Friday, November 18, 2011

Chi Gung

- 'Chi Gung', falsely believed a Chinese Martial practise (and as with Publications too in all really), is actually in all truly, an Italian Medical practise, and based around the Italian conceptualization, of the Chakras in all, and in the form really, of Energy points actually; [and with all Chinese 'Martial Art forms' actually, emanating truly only, from Wushu in all really (and not even, Shaolin too actually)].

*the above work displayed, is actually based on, an Italian text actually.

**and with Wing Chun too again (believed even, the most popular of 'Chinese' Martial Art systems), actually emanating truly, from, the Indian (Buddha) originating, 'Shaolin Martial Art System forms' actually.

***and with Tai Chi too actually, not Chinese in all truly, but actually in all, a form of boxing really (and somewhat similar in nature, to Egyptian boxing styles too really), and emanating from, Chi Gung actually.