Sunday, November 13, 2011


or the forerunner in all really, to the modern in all too actually, 'Democratic Republic of the Congo'.

with Zaire truly too, representing in all actually, Domestication, and as seen in the Congo (Kinshasa) really.

One of the most truly, romantic in all even, moments, in recent African History actually, with Zaire in all making the Congo (Kinshasa), separate truly even, from the rest of modern Africa [as with modern Africa in all, and as with it even, defined primarily by Domestication actually, coming to be influenced in all really, by the Caribbean (Black Africa), Middle East ('Southern Africa'), and Spain ('North Africa') too in all actually], and with Zaire in all too, Domestication actually that is, somewhat French really, and in its ways too actually [and as with the 'French Moores' in all really] [and as with even the somewhat French in all too really, Congo Kings, still existing until the replacement in all, of Zaire, with the modern 'Democratic Republic of the Congo' actually].

In many ways too, it is recommended in all that Zaire (as with it even somewhat still existing actually) [and before its being replaced in all too actually by the Omani originating 'Democratic Republic of Congo'], be in all, a source even, of 'superfluous' entertainment really (and as with even the concept of contacts actually), and other than Oman too actually [with Oman too, at the very heart even, of the so termed/called 'Westernized World' (and with it even too really, the 'Westernized World' in all that is, defined truly, not only by a general culture in all too actually, of Entertainment in all really, but one too again actually, of Violence in all too really].

In all, Zaire, as Afriques true contact, to Africa in all really [and not South Africa / 'Southern Africa' too either].

Zairen Music:

Kinshasa: Zaire in all, and as a country too really (and not a commercial center either), with it even, not serving as such, for the rest of Africa even but perhaps even truly, the best entry in all, for Afrique, to the Americas in all actually (including North) [with Afrique too, connected to Asia in all via Iraq, and to Europe too, via Toulouse/Languedoc]