Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Year of Liberty

- in an Afrique, which is often torn apart really (and as with speaking even, of the Somali wars actually), by issues in all, of the Constitution, and Constitutional Law in itself too actually (i.e. what age to get married at, what age to get a driving licence, or even, age of retirement in all really), 'The Year of Liberty' and by Thomas Pakenham too, is a great read in all, and for an Afrique too, where Conventional Living actually (i.e. everyday thoughts, principles and practises), do mirror those, seen, in Ireland too actually [and with what, they do term the Constitution (and 'Constitutional Law' too even), heavily grounded in all, on Conventional Living actually].

In many ways, the book should be seen as a fountainpiece in all, for those, who want truly, to understand everyday living, and in Afrique too actually, and as based around even, all forms of discrimination issues actually [and generally too even really, a general mindset in all too actually, on just how to get around, Afrique in itself really].

Life, and as seen too really, with a great Constitution/'Constitutional Law' in place perhaps: